How To Create An Effective LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn Promotion
August 13, 2021 — 2 mins read

Many people still think of LinkedIn as an online CV, but after launching nearly 13 years ago, it's developed into the go-to professional network. Your LinkedIn profile is a professional landing page for you to manage your personal brand. It's also a great opportunity to let people know who you are, what you stand for, and what you’re interested in. Your profile will be your personal storyboard, where people can find you and stay updated on your activity, so make sure your profile is complete and representative of you. In today’s article we’re going to share several simple steps for creating an effective LinkedIn profile with you, check it out below:

1. Put a face to the name

It’s been researched that adding a professional photo to your LinkedIn profile makes you 14 times more likely to get found. Leaving your profile picture blank is therefore a big missed opportunity, that’s why make sure you use a headshot image that is clear and professional. The perfect image size is 400 x 400 pixels and a maximum file size is of 10MB.

2. Make yourself easy to find

Customize your public profile URL to make it easy for people to find you. This shortened link is also much easier to share, for example via your email signature, or on your business cards.

3. Write a professional headline

This is the perfect place to tell people who you are and what you do - within 120 characters. Keep your headline catchy and include the industry you're in as well as any important keywords to help people find you easier.

4. Understand your audience

Are you trying to attract HR managers, potential customers or other business contacts to your profile? Understanding this will help you tailor your LinkedIn profile to your specific target audience.

5. Start networking and building relationships

Now your profile is up-to-date, so it's time to get stuck in. There are over 1 million groups to choose from, where you can engage with people from your industry, share posts with your latest insights, an interesting blog, or a new development in your career or job. Or why not test out LinkedIn Publisher, a blog style element, where you can showcase your expertise, increase your personal visibility and start discussions.

Once you’ve created and updated different sections of your profile, you can start sharing your public profile with your wider network. Your public profile is a simplified version of your complete LinkedIn profile, that shows up in search engines and is visible to everyone. You can promote your profile by creating a personal URL, which will work well for the search engines. You can also create a badge for your public profile that can be added to your online resume, blog, or website from the Public profile settings page.

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