Future of live streaming : Trends and Technologies

What is streaming all about?

Nowadays live streaming is on a whole new level. We have numerous platforms where people can start broadcasting and gain popularity. Some see this opportunity as a mean of becoming an influencer while others are just having fun. Nevertheless, the streaming history goes back to the late 1990 and to the first stream ever that was held by the band ‘Severe Tire Damage’. 

Since then live streaming has become more popular. More Internet users started to see the benefits of broadcasting and new social media platforms were created to support this process. It made it possible for anyone to broadcast live video to people around the globe.

As technology continues to affect all spheres of our life including how people communicate via social media platforms - live streaming will continue to grow in popularity and become even more accessible to people all over the globe.

Why does Live Streaming never get out of style?

Recently, Live Streaming has become widespread for several reasons: 

Real time engagement

Streaming allows users to engage with the content creator in real time. This greatly affects a sense of community which is really important when it comes to online content and brand visibility. 


Live streaming creates a feeling of authenticity and transparency as it can’t be edited or pre-recorded. Viewers appreciate more when the creator is real while the video is going, without filters. 

Access to exclusive content

Live Streaming makes it possible to offer exclusive content to viewers like:

  • behind-the-scenes looks
  • live Q&A sessions

This can make viewers feel like they are getting something special and unique.


There are many types of live streams, from gaming to music performances to educational content. This variety makes live streaming appealing to a wide range of audiences.

What are the most prominent streaming platforms?


platform that is mainly focused on gaming content. It has a large and active community of gamers and offers features like live chat, donations, and channel subscriptions.

YouTube Live

Another popular platform for live streaming where you can find gaming content, music, and educational content. It also offers features like live chat, donations, and monetization options.

Facebook Live

Here users are able to broadcast live videos to their Facebook viewers. It is mostly used for personal and professional purposes, offering features like live reactions, comments, and sharing.

Instagram Live

It allows users to stream live video to your followers and target audience on Instagram, used for personal and business purposes, offering features like live chat, comments, and engagement metrics.


Vimeo Livestream can be considered to be a more professional live streaming platform, with high-quality content, where creators can use: multi-camera support, custom branding, and analytics. 

What is the future of Live Streaming?

The live streaming industry will indeed have a bright future with advancements in technology and increased accessibility. Here are some potential trends and developments to keep an eye on:

Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are set to revolutionize the live streaming experience by enabling viewers to engage with content creators in unprecedented ways. This increased interactivity will allow for a more immersive and personalized experience for viewers.

Live streaming platforms are expected to offer more specialized content tailored to specific audiences. We can anticipate an increase in live streams centered around niche topics and interests, including business and education aimed at professionals.

Live streaming has already been integrated into e-commerce with brands and retailers utilizing the platform to show their products in real time. In the future we can expect to see even more seamless integration between live streaming and e-commerce that will enable viewers to make purchases directly from the stream.

The future of live streaming will also include improvements in quality and reliability with advancements in video compression and streaming protocols resulting in reduced latency and an overall enhanced viewing experience.

While live streaming is already widely used across various industries there are still many opportunities. The healthcare industry could leverage live streaming for remote consultations, while sports organizations could provide virtual experiences that enable fans to feel like they're in the stadium.

How can you attract more viewers to your Live Streams?

The connection between production and promotion is critical when it comes to creating viral content, especially Live Stream. The technique you choose for promoting your content will determine its reach and virality. You have various options, such as:

  • Following other accounts and waiting for the feedback;
  • Liking and commenting on other users’ posts;
  • Collaborating with other creators on different social media platforms;
  • Running contests and giveaways;
  • Purchasing social media services from reliable SMM panels.

Based on statistics, most users prefer to purchase promotions from online sources. However, some creators remain skeptical about it. Despite that, a lot of users have successfully boosted their Live Streams and their account performance with SMM panels and actually earned money from their content. One of the best platforms for promotion is considered to beTube.Biz.

Wondering how to improve your social media presence and drag more attention to your Live Streams? If you want to avoid wasting your time and effort Tube.Biz offers promotion services that can save you time and enable you to focus on editing your content and developing your own style. Our team of professional marketers and designers will optimize your social media profiles and help you gain as many Live Stream viewers as you need for your social media goals.

Don't miss out on the chance to increase your visibility and attract more people to your stream. Try out our best services and start monetizing your content from now on!

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